饮水思源 母校情深 志存高远 脚踏实地

饮水思源 母校情深 志存高远 脚踏实地

来源:合肥世界外国语学校 作者:葛珊珊 发布日期:2022-06-22 浏览次数:5570

“栀子花开  so   beautiful   so  white    这是个季节   我们将离开……”六月浅夏,浓浓的绿意,栀子花淡淡的清香在世外校园弥漫。六月是毕业季,深深的离别情在师生们心中荡漾。回首校园生活的点点滴滴,那么多的美好值得留恋,那么多的感动值得铭记,那么多的瞬间值得用心回味。

‘Gardenia in blossom, So beautiful so white. We’ll be apart in such sweet season…’ Gardenias bloom in June and the faint fragrance of flowers permeates our campus. June is also the graduation season, and deep parting feelings are rippling in the hearts of teachers and students. Looking back on the dribs and drabs of our campus life, we have had so many memories.

合肥世界外国语学校双语小学六年级毕业生即将告别母校,踏上新的学习征程。为了让孩子们留下美好的回忆, 6月21日下午,合肥世界外国语学校双语小学全体师生齐聚阶梯教室,共同参与了一场难忘的毕业典礼。

The graduates are about to bid farewell to their alma mater and embark on a new learning journey. In order to leave more wonderful memories for the graduates, on the afternoon of June 21, all teachers and students of the Elite Primary Division of Hefei World Foreign Language School gathered in the school’s theatre to present an unforgettable graduation ceremony for them.



The graduation ceremony began with graduates’ photos of life and study which were carefully collected by headteachers from Grade one to six. Looking at the young smiling faces, they have grown up. They cried, laughed, made troubles, and gained knowledge together. The alma mater has witnessed the growth of the graduates and preserved the best childhood of them.



The graduates also expressed their gratitude to the teachers and said what they wanted to say most in their hearts in the videos.



The outstanding graduate representative Jenny gave a graduation speech on behalf of all the graduates. The speech was full of reluctance to apart and gratitude.



Both teachers and graduates felt happy and reluctant to apart. Miss Helen, Miss Michelle and Mrs Ge made speeches. With affectionate language, they recalled every bit of getting along with the graduates, and expressed how reluctant to apart and gratified as teachers. They are looking forward to graduates to open up a new life for themselves and add luster to their alma mater on their new study path.



We listened to the principal’s speech then. Principal Xu Jie's speech not only expressed his sincere wishes to the graduates, but also put forward ardent hopes for the graduates, so that all graduates can feel the care and warmth of the alma mater.


活泼、欢快的舞蹈《爱你》传递着师生之间浓浓的师生情,分开的日子依然会想你、念你;一曲《凤凰花开的路口》讲述着孩子们对小学校园生活的不舍以及对未来的憧憬,更表达了毕业生们心怀梦想、踏上新征程的激情;舞蹈《雪龙吟》让我们感悟生命的魅力,领略青春的风采;我们是相亲相爱的一家人,小猪佩奇家族带来的精彩配音节目《Muddy Puddles》又将我们带入童年的美好记忆;音乐不分国界,音符传递能量,英文舞台剧《You raise me up and See you  again》诠释了要勇敢去追寻梦想,要坚强,要相信自己;舞台剧《从现在开始》告诉我们相互尊重是人类最美好的品德。

The lively and cheerful dance Love you conveyed the strong relationship between teachers and students. We will miss each other even when we’re apart. The song The Intersection of the Phoenix Blossom expressed all the graduates’ reluctance to apart with the alma mater life and their longing for the future. It also expressed the passion of the graduates to have a dream and embark on a new journey. Dance Snow Dragon let us feel the charm of life and enjoy the elegant demeanor of youth. The wonderful dubbing show Muddy Puddles brought by the Peppa Pig family, which brought us back to our childhood memories. English musical You Raise Me Up and See You Again encouraged us to believe in ourselves and pursue our dreams.  The stage play From Now on told us that we should respect each other.



Graduation is a two-way journey. Graduates expressed their gratitude to school leaders and teachers with flowers, meanwhile the leaders and teachers expressed their best wishes to all the graduates when they passed them the graduation certifications. Appreciate and cherish each other!


At the end of the ceremony, all stood up and sang the national anthem together. With the end of the national anthem, the graduation ceremony also came to an end.

“栀子花开 如此可爱 挥挥手告别 欢乐和无奈……”活动虽已结束,但这份浓浓的师生情将永远保留在大家的心中。相信孩子们会记住校长和老师们的教诲,继续遵守“惜时、善思、勤奋、善学”的学风,谨记“志存高远,求真求实”的校风,扬帆起航时,展现世外学子积极乐观的态度和脚踏实地的品质,开创更加美好、更加精彩的未来!

‘Gardenia blossom so lovely, waved goodbye to the joy and sadness…’Although the activity is over, the strong teacher-student love will always remain in the hearts of every teacher and student. We believe that all the graduates will remember the teachings of the principals and teachers, continue to carry forward the study style of "cherishing time, thinking, diligence, learning", and keep in mind the school spirit of "aiming high and seeking truth". No matter where they will be, they all can show our spirit of optimism and practicality. All of them will create an incomparably beautiful and infinitely exciting future!






“栀子花开  so   beautiful   so  white    这是个季节   我们将离开……”六月浅夏,浓浓的绿意,栀子花淡淡的清香在世外校园弥漫。六月是毕业季,深深的离别情在师生们心中荡漾。回首校园生活的点点滴滴,那么多的美好值得留恋,那么多的感动值得铭记,那么多的瞬间值得用心回味。

‘Gardenia in blossom, So beautiful so white. We’ll be apart in such sweet season…’ Gardenias bloom in June and the faint fragrance of flowers permeates our campus. June is also the graduation season, and deep parting feelings are rippling in the hearts of teachers and students. Looking back on the dribs and drabs of our campus life, we have had so many memories.

合肥世界外国语学校双语小学六年级毕业生即将告别母校,踏上新的学习征程。为了让孩子们留下美好的回忆, 6月21日下午,合肥世界外国语学校双语小学全体师生齐聚阶梯教室,共同参与了一场难忘的毕业典礼。

The graduates are about to bid farewell to their alma mater and embark on a new learning journey. In order to leave more wonderful memories for the graduates, on the afternoon of June 21, all teachers and students of the Elite Primary Division of Hefei World Foreign Language School gathered in the school’s theatre to present an unforgettable graduation ceremony for them.



The graduation ceremony began with graduates’ photos of life and study which were carefully collected by headteachers from Grade one to six. Looking at the young smiling faces, they have grown up. They cried, laughed, made troubles, and gained knowledge together. The alma mater has witnessed the growth of the graduates and preserved the best childhood of them.



The graduates also expressed their gratitude to the teachers and said what they wanted to say most in their hearts in the videos.



The outstanding graduate representative Jenny gave a graduation speech on behalf of all the graduates. The speech was full of reluctance to apart and gratitude.



Both teachers and graduates felt happy and reluctant to apart. Miss Helen, Miss Michelle and Mrs Ge made speeches. With affectionate language, they recalled every bit of getting along with the graduates, and expressed how reluctant to apart and gratified as teachers. They are looking forward to graduates to open up a new life for themselves and add luster to their alma mater on their new study path.



We listened to the principal’s speech then. Principal Xu Jie's speech not only expressed his sincere wishes to the graduates, but also put forward ardent hopes for the graduates, so that all graduates can feel the care and warmth of the alma mater.


活泼、欢快的舞蹈《爱你》传递着师生之间浓浓的师生情,分开的日子依然会想你、念你;一曲《凤凰花开的路口》讲述着孩子们对小学校园生活的不舍以及对未来的憧憬,更表达了毕业生们心怀梦想、踏上新征程的激情;舞蹈《雪龙吟》让我们感悟生命的魅力,领略青春的风采;我们是相亲相爱的一家人,小猪佩奇家族带来的精彩配音节目《Muddy Puddles》又将我们带入童年的美好记忆;音乐不分国界,音符传递能量,英文舞台剧《You raise me up and See you  again》诠释了要勇敢去追寻梦想,要坚强,要相信自己;舞台剧《从现在开始》告诉我们相互尊重是人类最美好的品德。

The lively and cheerful dance Love you conveyed the strong relationship between teachers and students. We will miss each other even when we’re apart. The song The Intersection of the Phoenix Blossom expressed all the graduates’ reluctance to apart with the alma mater life and their longing for the future. It also expressed the passion of the graduates to have a dream and embark on a new journey. Dance Snow Dragon let us feel the charm of life and enjoy the elegant demeanor of youth. The wonderful dubbing show Muddy Puddles brought by the Peppa Pig family, which brought us back to our childhood memories. English musical You Raise Me Up and See You Again encouraged us to believe in ourselves and pursue our dreams.  The stage play From Now on told us that we should respect each other.



Graduation is a two-way journey. Graduates expressed their gratitude to school leaders and teachers with flowers, meanwhile the leaders and teachers expressed their best wishes to all the graduates when they passed them the graduation certifications. Appreciate and cherish each other!


At the end of the ceremony, all stood up and sang the national anthem together. With the end of the national anthem, the graduation ceremony also came to an end.

“栀子花开 如此可爱 挥挥手告别 欢乐和无奈……”活动虽已结束,但这份浓浓的师生情将永远保留在大家的心中。相信孩子们会记住校长和老师们的教诲,继续遵守“惜时、善思、勤奋、善学”的学风,谨记“志存高远,求真求实”的校风,扬帆起航时,展现世外学子积极乐观的态度和脚踏实地的品质,开创更加美好、更加精彩的未来!

‘Gardenia blossom so lovely, waved goodbye to the joy and sadness…’Although the activity is over, the strong teacher-student love will always remain in the hearts of every teacher and student. We believe that all the graduates will remember the teachings of the principals and teachers, continue to carry forward the study style of "cherishing time, thinking, diligence, learning", and keep in mind the school spirit of "aiming high and seeking truth". No matter where they will be, they all can show our spirit of optimism and practicality. All of them will create an incomparably beautiful and infinitely exciting future!




