

来源:合肥世界外国语学校 作者:钱雨佳 发布日期:2021-04-09 浏览次数:2893



一、爱国守法 Patriotic law-abiding

1. 热爱祖国,热爱人民,拥护中国共产党领导,拥护社会主义。

Love the motherland, love the people, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support socialism.

2. 全面贯彻国家教育方针,自觉遵守教育法律法规,依法履行教师职责权利。

We will fully implement the national education policy, consciously abide by educational laws and regulations, and perform teachers' duties and rights in accordance with the law.

3. 不得有违背党和国家方针政策的言行。

They shall not say or do anything contrary to the principles and policies of the Party and the state.

二、教书育人 Teaching

1. 忠诚于人民教育事业,志存高远,勤恳敬业,甘为人梯,乐于奉献。

Loyal to the people's education, ambition high, diligent and dedicated, willing to contribute.

2. 遵循教育教学规律,实施素质教育。循循善诱,诲人不倦,因材施教。

Follow the rules of education . Be good at giving guidance and teaching in accordance with student aptitude.

3. 培养学生良好品行,激发学生创新精神,促进学生全面发展,不以分数作为评价学生的唯一标准。

Cultivate students' good conduct, stimulate students' innovative spirit, promote students' all-round development, do not take scores as evaluation of students unique criteria.

4. 崇尚科学精神,树立终身学习观念,拓宽知识视野,更新知识结构。

Advocate the scientific spirit, establish the concept of lifelong learning, broaden the horizon of knowledge, update the structure of knowledge.

5. 潜心钻研业务,勇于探索创新,不断提高专业素养和教育教学水平。对工作高度负责,认真备课上课,认真批改作业,认真辅导学生。不得敷衍塞责。

Highly responsible for work,Prepare for class carefully, correct homework carefully, and help students carefully.

三、关爱学生 Take care of students

1. 关心爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格,平等公正对待学生。对学生严慈相济,做学生良


Care for all students, respect students' personality, and treat students equally and justly.

2. 保护学生安全,关心学生健康,维护学生权益。

Protect the safety of students, care about the health of students, safeguard students' rights.

3. 不讽刺、挖苦、歧视、侮辱、虐待、伤害学生。

Do not satirize, discriminate, insult, abuse, harm students.

4. 不得对学生实施任何形式的猥亵、性骚扰行为或与学生发生任何不正当关系。

Do not commit any form of indecency or sexual harassment or have any improper relationship with students.



一、爱国守法 Patriotic law-abiding

1. 热爱祖国,热爱人民,拥护中国共产党领导,拥护社会主义。

Love the motherland, love the people, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support socialism.

2. 全面贯彻国家教育方针,自觉遵守教育法律法规,依法履行教师职责权利。

We will fully implement the national education policy, consciously abide by educational laws and regulations, and perform teachers' duties and rights in accordance with the law.

3. 不得有违背党和国家方针政策的言行。

They shall not say or do anything contrary to the principles and policies of the Party and the state.

二、教书育人 Teaching

1. 忠诚于人民教育事业,志存高远,勤恳敬业,甘为人梯,乐于奉献。

Loyal to the people's education, ambition high, diligent and dedicated, willing to contribute.

2. 遵循教育教学规律,实施素质教育。循循善诱,诲人不倦,因材施教。

Follow the rules of education . Be good at giving guidance and teaching in accordance with student aptitude.

3. 培养学生良好品行,激发学生创新精神,促进学生全面发展,不以分数作为评价学生的唯一标准。

Cultivate students' good conduct, stimulate students' innovative spirit, promote students' all-round development, do not take scores as evaluation of students unique criteria.

4. 崇尚科学精神,树立终身学习观念,拓宽知识视野,更新知识结构。

Advocate the scientific spirit, establish the concept of lifelong learning, broaden the horizon of knowledge, update the structure of knowledge.

5. 潜心钻研业务,勇于探索创新,不断提高专业素养和教育教学水平。对工作高度负责,认真备课上课,认真批改作业,认真辅导学生。不得敷衍塞责。

Highly responsible for work,Prepare for class carefully, correct homework carefully, and help students carefully.

三、关爱学生 Take care of students

1. 关心爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格,平等公正对待学生。对学生严慈相济,做学生良


Care for all students, respect students' personality, and treat students equally and justly.

2. 保护学生安全,关心学生健康,维护学生权益。

Protect the safety of students, care about the health of students, safeguard students' rights.

3. 不讽刺、挖苦、歧视、侮辱、虐待、伤害学生。

Do not satirize, discriminate, insult, abuse, harm students.

4. 不得对学生实施任何形式的猥亵、性骚扰行为或与学生发生任何不正当关系。

Do not commit any form of indecency or sexual harassment or have any improper relationship with students.